Sunday 27 November 2016

Slay the Beast

Tomorrow, my Dad goes in for surgery. He must start fasting at 11:00 this evening and then he must arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. Once we arrive at the hospital, there are still quite a few unknowns: We are unsure of what time the surgery will take place; we are unsure of whether or not the surgery will actually happen tomorrow (he could be bumped by another emergency); and we are unsure of how long the surgery will last. 

If you're wondering how you can pray for my Dad and our family over the next 24 hours, my Dad asks that you pray that God "slay the beast". My Uncle Mike talked about this on Friday as he prayed over my Dad. The beast comes in two parts. The beast is not only the tumour inside my Dad's head but also the negative thoughts that have the potential to occupy our minds at all hours of the day and night. We request that you ask God to first slay the beast of a tumour that has invaded my Dad's head and second, that the beast that has the potential to occupy all our minds would also be put to rest. 

Over the last few days, my Dad has also talked about "two flowers and a weed". At the end of each day, one of my Dad's friends (Tim Van Soelen) will ask for two flowers and a weed - two things that were beautiful and flourishing and one thing that was hard and harmful. My Dad suggested that coming up with two flowers and a weed for each day would be a great way for my family to slay the beast of negative thoughts. We need to remind ourselves of the daily flowers or our thoughts will be consumed by the weeds that seem to be towering over us. My Dad also thought it would be neat if some of you would be willing to comment with two flowers and a weed from your day.

So here are my Dad's two flowers and a weed for today:

Flower: A few nephews and nieces came over with a card and some hugs. 
Flower: A nice long chat with friend Darryl De Boer. 
Weed: A feeling of uncertainty about tomorrow's schedule. 

And an honourable mention to a flower from Saturday: Kraft Dinner for lunch. It's pretty easy to make my Dad happy.

- Erin 

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